

2022 年发展中国家可再生能源发展研讨会(线上)

发布日期:2022-09-22    浏览次数:

2022 年发展中国家可再生能源发展研讨会(线上)

2022 Forum on Renewable Energy Promotion in Developing Countries (Video Meeting)




VooV Meeting ID and link


GMT06:00-09:30, Sep 22 (Thursday)




GMT06:00-09:30, Sep 22 (Friday)




GMT06:00-09:30, Sep 22 (Saturday)






DAY ONE: September 22nd, 2022 (Thursday)


VooV   Meeting ID:535-4144-6435

Session   Moderator: Yuguang Zhou, Guofeng   Shen

GMT: 06:00-06:30

Beijing Time: 14:00-14:30

Opening remarks

Hongchun ZHOU, Professor, Development Research Centre of the State   Council

Qizhen CHEN, Deputy Director, Administrative Center for China’s Agenda 21

Renjie DONG, Professor, Chairman of FREPDC, Chairman of ISO/TC255   International Standardization Technical Committee for Biogas, China   Agricultural University

South Africa   Time:


GMT:   06:30-07:00

Beijing Time:   14:30-15:00

Harold John Annegarn, Professor,   South Africa, North-West University

The importance of fuel   preparation and sizing for biomass combustion: basic principles for   fuel/stove designers

GMT:   07:00-07:30

Beijing Time:   15:00-15:30

Guofeng SHEN, Professor, China, College   of Urban and Environmental Science, Peking University

Spatiotemporal heterogeneity and   environmental impact of biomass consumption in rural residents

Uganda Time: 10:30-11:00

GMT:   07:30-08:00

Beijing Time:   15:30-16:00

Ebong Richard, Head Engineering   Standards, Uganda, Process Assurance and Innovations -UNBS

Standards driving energy access   scale-up in Uganda

GMT:   08:00-08:30

Beijing Time:   16:00-16:30

Guangqing LIU, Professor, China, Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Clean heating in China-Technologies,   Standards & Policies

India Time: 14:00-14:30

GMT:   08:30-09:00

Beijing Time:   16:30-17:00

Perumal Raman, Director, India,   The Energy and Resources Institute

A biomass gasification system   (125 kWe) for electric power generation using rice husk as fuel Learning and experience from a   demonstration plant in Cambodia, for rural electrification.

GMT:   09:00-09:30

Beijing Time:   17:00-17:30

Yujiang ZHAO, President, China, Yantai Shangmeilijia New Energy Limited

Comprehensive utilization of   biomass energy: A case study in Yantai, China

DAY TWO: September 23rd, 2022 (Friday)


VooV   Meeting ID:535-4144-6435

Session   Moderator: Tony Blake

Australian Eastern   Standard Time:


GMT: 06:00-06:30

Beijing   Time: 14:00-14:30

Tony Blake, Experts, Australia, Stove Testing   Experts

Planning a rocket stove field   trial, Haku, Bougainville, PNG October, 2022

GMT: 06:30-07:00

Beijing   Time: 14:30-15:00

Chenkai WANG, Manager, China, Zhejiang SSM Stove   Co. Ltd.

Protocols of biomass cookstove   R&D and field testing for apply in the carbon project

South Africa Time:


GMT: 07:00-07:30

Beijing   Time: 15:00-15:30

Maritz Maass, Postgraduate Student, South Africa, North-West University

Emissions and thermal performance   of a semi-continuous coal gasifier stove technology using a co-blended fuel   stock

Ethiopia Time:   10:30-11:00

GMT: 07:30-08:00

Beijing Time:   15:30-16:00

Mr. Tadele Admasu, Ethiopia, Amhara Regional Energy Bureau.

Biogas presentation for China-Ethiopia-Sri Lanka trilateral project

GMT: 08:00-08:30

Beijing   Time: 16:00-16:30

Guofeng DONG, Researcher, China, International   Center on Small Hydro Power

Practical experience on Chinese small   hydro power technology and South-South cooperation

Pakistan Time:   13:30-14:00

GMT: 08:30-09:00

Beijing   Time: 16:30-17:00

Mehmood Faisal, Doctor Student, Pakistan, China Agricultural University

Biomass energy utilization with   the help of modern cookstove

GMT: 09:00-09:30

Beijing   Time: 17:00-17:30

Yongqiang ZHAO, General Manager, China, Hengshui   Sanmu Bio-Energy Plant

Design and practical experience   of a biomass pellet plant

GMT: 09:30-10:00

Beijing   Time: 17:30-18:00

Qiang YU, Professor, China, Agriculture University college of information   and electrical engineering

Heat absorption-transfer   technology of solid particle receiver in supercritical CO2 solar   thermal power plants

DAY THREE: September 24th, 2022 (Saturday)


VooV   Meeting ID:535-4144-6435

Session   Moderator: Huan Li

Edmonton Time:   00:00-00:30

GMT: 06:00-06:30

Beijing Time:   14:00-14:30

Crispin Robert Pemberton-Pigott, Senior Consultant, Canada, National   Center for International Research of BioEnergy Science and Technology   (iBEST), China Agricultural University

Clean bioenergy utilization technologies for households in developing countries

Pakistan Time:


GMT: 06:30-07:00

Beijing   Time: 14:30-15:00

Muhammad Sultan, Doctor, Pakistan, Pakistan Bahauddin Zakariya University

Thermally-driven water   desalination and atmospheric water harvesting techniques

GMT: 07:00-07:30

Beijing   Time: 15:00-15:30

Hao JIANG, Secretary-general, China, China-Africa Renewable Energy   Cooperation and Innovation Alliance

A rethinking on China-Africa   renewable energy cooperation.

Moscow Time:


GMT: 07:30-08:00

Beijing Time:   15:30-16:00

Ponomarev Andrey Vasilyevich, Expert, Russia, Russian stove society

A stove with two fireboxes

Uganda Time:


GMT: 08:00-08:30

Beijing Time:   16:00-16:30

David Joseph, Graduate student,   Tanzania, China Agricultural University

The Potential Renewable Energy   for Sustainable Development in Tanzania

Nepal Time: 14:15-14:45

GMT: 08:30-09:00

Beijing Time:   16:30-17:00

Rabin Gautam, Master student,   Nepal, China Agricultural University

Introduction of renewable energy   development and needs in Nepal

Tanzania Time:   12:00-12:30

GMT: 09:00-09:30

Beijing Time:   17:00-17:30

Huan LI, Assistant Professor, China, Zhongkai University of Agriculture   and Engineering

Characteristics and formation of   nitrogen-containing products from the pyrolysis of maple wood and maize straw

GMT: 09:30-09:45

Beijing Time: 17:30-17:45



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