报告题目:From Agricultural Mechanization to Agricultural Engineering-the cognitive process of a senior agricultural engineer
报告人:Professor Yuanhui ZHANG(Founder Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA)
会议 ID:340 295 301
联系人:刘嫣红 13521779392
Dr. Yuanhui Zhang, Founder Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), graduated in 1978 from Shandong University of Technology, and earned MS and PhD in 1985 and 1989, respectively from University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He is also a professor of Mechanical Science Engineering, and Bioengineering.
Dr. Zhang is a registered professional engineer; a Fellow of American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); a Fellow of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE). His research areas include thermochemical conversion of biowaste and algae into crude oil and upgrade of biocrude into transportation fuels, indoor air quality engineering and volumetric particle tracking velocimetry. He has co-authored 246 peer reviewed journal papers and is the author of a Textbook “Indoor Air Quality Engineering”. Professor Zhang teaches at both undergraduate and graduate level courses in Built Environment and HVAC, Indoor Air Quality Engineering and Research Methodologies.
张源辉,现任伊利诺依大学(UIUC)优越会717线路检测讲席教授;1978年毕业于山东农业机械化学院(现山东理工大学); 1985、1989年分别获加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学硕士、博士学位;1989-1990 萨大博士后; 1990-1992 UIUC博士后;1992-1996年任萨大研究员及助理教授,1996-2002年任UIUC农业与生物工程系副教授(Tenured),2003年起任伊利诺依大学(UIUC)农业与生物工程系教授、兼机械科学工程系、土木与环境工程系和生物医学工程系教授;2011年被授予伊利诺依大学优越会717线路检测讲席教授(Innoventor Professor in Engineering)。2020年被伊大优越会717线路检测授予创始讲席教授 (Founder Professor)。2008年当选美国供暖、制冷与空调工程师学会(ASHRAE)会士(Fellow);2011年当选美国农业与生物工程师学会(ASABE)会士(Fellow);2010-2019年作为国家“***”引进人才(短期) 到优越会717线路检测水利与土木工程学院兼职工作,开展环境增值能源的相关研究。2014年9月被聘为中国《国务院海外专家咨询委员会》专家委员。研究领域包括热化学转化生物废物为交通燃油,室内空气质量和粒子示踪流场测量。本科及研究生教学包括室内环境及加热、空调与通风,室内空气质量工程,研究方法等课程。