报告题目:Value-added Applications of Agricultural By-products
报告人:Dr. Jianping Wu
单位:University of Alberta, Canada
1. 腾讯会议
2. 会议链接:https://voovmeeting.com/dm/got1oRGThe3Y
3. 会议ID:176 033 245
吴建平,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学农业、食品和营养科学系终身教授,浙江大学求是特聘教授。吴建平教授是世界权威的食品蛋白质专家,主要从事食物蛋白源生物活性肽,鸡蛋科学与技术,及农业副产物及废弃物蛋白质基生物材料的研究。以发表200多篇原创性文章,主要著作1部,参与撰写15本专著,申请4项授权专利,受邀在学术机构或行业研讨会上演讲250多次。现任Journal of Functional Foods和Food Science and Human Wellness副主编。
Dr. Jianping Wu is a full professor in University of Alberta and division director of Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Science. His primary research interest is to understand the links between egg and health, and further process egg into value-added functional foods/nutraceuticals. More specifically, his research focuses on protein/bioactive peptide preparation, purification, characterization, and bioactivity evaluation using chemical methods, cell culture and animal models. Research on developing protein-based biomaterials from agriculture by-products and wastes is another area of interest.